When someone remarries, they often begin a “blended family” full of hopes and dreams. However, they soon find themselves faced with intense and often unexpected challenges – unhappy kids, constant differences in disciplinary styles, food, money, and a million other details of family life… not to mention ex-spouses.

Dr. Patricia Papernow, a renowned psychologist and leading expert in the field, Harvard instructor, and author of the new book Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships, knows what it’s like – she’s been there, herself. In time for the holiday season (a most stressful season for many blended families!), Dr. Papernow, who was recently featured on the Katie show, reveals how families can navigate sticky stepfamily situations.

Among other topics, her new book addresses:

  • The challenges (and rewards) of parenting in a stepfamily
  • How the step parent-child relationship can thrive
  • Tackling tough holiday challenges as part of a “blended family”
  • How to handle discipline as a stepparent
  • The best way to navigate ex-spouse relationships

Dr. Patricia L. Papernow is a psychologist in private practice, as well as a Clinical Instructor in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Widely known as a foremost expert in the field, Dr. Papernow is entering her fourth decade teaching, writing, consulting, and working with people in stepfamilies. Dr. Papernow became interested in this particular area when she became part of a stepfamily, herself, and has since remained passionate in her drive to grasp the challenges created by what people wishfully refer to as “blended families.” She is a graduate of Harvard University and Boston University. Her first book, Becoming a Stepfamily, is considered a classic in the field.

Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamilies can be purchased from www.amazon.com, www.barnesandnoble.com, www.stepfamilyrelationships.com, www.drpatriciapapernow.com, and www.routledge.com.