Join Ted Hicks (Dad, Husband & Son) as he moderates (The #LNPShow) that integrates the social media experience ( blog – Twitter @LateNightParent / page) & discusses the latest trends and game changers in parenting, technology, education, product reviews & sports.

This week, the #LNPShow welcomes the following guests: 

1. Janet Allison @ParentAdvisor Founder of 810pm ET
2. Megan Westerby @meganwest VP Marketing @sidechefapp 830pm ET
3. Sharona Fab @SportsbySharona 730 Yahoo Sports Host, 845pm ET

Tune in LIVE every WEDNESDAY at 8PM ET/ 5PM PT so you don’t miss these stories about people making the moves to make a difference! To call in and be a part of the experience or listen via your mobile phone – Dial 347-857-1947.  Stream us 24/7 at to listen!

…and we THANK YOU for the support!