There’s no bigger star in sports right now than Tim Tebow. He’s all over the news, billboards, and television. With the NBA Lockout in full swing, even professional basketball players are watching and following No. 15. To the media, Tim Tebow is an angel. He will stick around to do a second interview if a camera fails, he smiles while he’s answering questions – some he’s answered 15 times before, and he’s very polite using “sir” or “ma’am” if he didn’t hear the question.

Tweet Pic from Dwight Howard.

The 24HR news cycle is discussing his Christianity or whether or not HE deserves be the Denver Broncos starting quarterback (current record is 3-1).  Heck, there’s even talk about whether John Elway and John Fox are setting him up for failure.  (Supposedly since the new brain-trust didn’t draft him)   With Tebow – It’s all about JESUS and his desire and determination to play the game of football.  That’s why it’s good to see Tebow just being Tebow.

To ALL the HATER’s – His documentary from last year Tim Tebow: Everything In Between was recently released on DVD.  (Nov 8th)

Below you’ll find a promo of short clip of outtakes and it’s highly entertaining.