Out of work or have some extra time while in quarantine, this could be the perfect time to improve your career.

According to Biography, Isaac Newton helped change the world while in quarantine from the plague, and so could you!

Experts advise to invest time in career development now, so that you can land a job once the economy begins to open back up.

Business Insider has suggestions on how to level up your career while self isolating due to the coronavirus, including these three:

1. Take an online course that could help further your career;

2. Volunteer virtually to help a charity or cause that interests you;

3. Organize your job-search materials, so that you’re not scrambling at the last minute if you need them. This can include updating your resume, LinkedIn page, and/or portfolio.

Personal development coach Farrah Smith says this time can be an opportunity to connect the dots of your life and determine what your new normal will look like professionally.

Here are three of her five life lessons to improve your career:

1. Trust the journey. When facing significant disappointment, have faith that you will be guided toward reaching the very best outcome for your life. Through being open and embracing any lessons along the way, you will end up exactly where you were meant to be.

2. Embrace the fear. You should always do what you are afraid to do. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and challenging yourself is a vital way in which to build strength of character.

3. Be good at failing. Let-downs, rejection, and catastrophes are all part of the process and are even necessary to building resilience for you to keep pursuing your dreams.