It sounds counterintuitive at first, but workplace harassment has moved from the office onto the virtual space, leaving employees vulnerable to new harassment avenues. Welcome to workplace misconduct 2.0. There is toxicity brewing. 

Today in our Covid virtual world, we dress more casually to business meetings, our guards are down, and we invite colleagues into our homes. The office norms have fallen away. These virtual settings are primed for uninvited and unwanted harassment through Zoom and Slack. 

So is there anyone monitoring the virtual space to keep employees and organizations safe? 

Here’s the Mobile App that’s combatting bad behavior, #NotMe ( It’s backed by Google’s former Chief Compliance Officer and #NotMe Solutions Advisor, Andy Hinton. #NotMe is a safe, anonymous (if desired) misconduct reporting App available to any employee for free. Its data and dashboard are sold to corporations as a helping hand to workforces, human resource teams, and Chief Compliance Officers so they can be aware of misconduct when it occurs. Currently, 75 percent of workplace incidents go unreported.

#NotMe App enables companies of all sizes keep their finger on the pulse of misconduct issues, remote or in person.It helps keep employees safe, discourage bad behavior, and encourage reporting of arising issues, long before they escalate into the courts and make headlines. 

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, #NotMe was founded in 2017. The mobile app platform has since expanded and empowers speak-up cultures on compliance, racism, harassment, misconduct, discrimination, bullying and other injustices. 

Bullying is the No. 1 issue.