The FDA just authorized Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for children between the ages of 5 and 11, one of the last age groups in the U.S. pending vaccine authorization. 💉 🇺🇸

The approval came after FDA staff reported that the risks of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms outweigh risks of vaccination in children ages 5-11. Once the CDC gives its go-ahead in the next few days, children will be able to get their first doses. The vaccines approved for children are only ⅓ of the adult dosage, which will be administered three weeks apart.

During its trials, the vaccine was found to be tolerable and 90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19 symptoms. With that being said, 30% of parents do not intend to vaccinate their children and another third of American parents reported hesitancy about the vaccine.