Happy New Year!

I just wanted to add a quick about my NYE dilema.  You see this will be the first night my wife and I have spent away from our 4 month old son.  We are leaving him at her parents and heading to a wedding.

<Tangent Start>: Yes, we have a wedding on New Years Eve.  At first I was furious about this.  I thought, “who do these people think they are?  Why are they stealing my NYE?”  To top it off, my wife is IN the wedding so there was no way we could get out of it.  Then, I had a thought…I’m 35, I have a son – I wasn’t going to do anything for NYE anyway!  This actually made it easy.  We didn’t need to think about where we were going, who we were going to go with or how my wife was going to drag my drunk ass home.  We also were able to find a baby sitter in her mom and dad.  No way anyone else was going to volunteer to babysit tonight. </Tanget End>

So, anywho..we’re off to a wedding and I’m so kind of torn.  At 11:00 I’m going to have to make a choice.  Do I go to bed and get a full night’s sleep for the first time in months?  Or, do I try to relive my youth and party on?  I actually don’t have an answer as of yet.  It may depend on how many jack and coke’s I end up consuming or maybe I won’t know anyone at the wedding and insist on leaving early…I seriously don’t know.

Either way, I’m excited for a NYE for the first time in a loooong time.  I hope everyone else is.  Have a great night and Happy New Year!




  1. New Post: Happy New Year! – http://t.co/4amneI7h

  2. DaDa Rocks! (@dadarocks) (@dadarocks)

    Happy New Year! http://t.co/32IIZYUy via @latenightparent

  3. Bruce Sallan (@BruceSallan)

    So, we want the follow up, Ted? How was it? And, Happy New Year. I was in bed before midnight, old fart that I am!

  4. Brooklyn

    Sounds like an amazing time. Did you get drunk or did you go to sleep?

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