I have a question for you dads.

Before Baby (BB), my wife and I had the luxury of eating, sleeping, shopping… wait, I’m beginning to repeat myself.

Must be the lack of sleep.

At any rate, BB the lovely lady and I went ahead and selected some items for a baby registry. What I found out what that just like a wedding, you have the opportunity to run though a store zapping cool stuff. This was tons of fun. Until I found out that they make diaper bags for men.

Did you know, manly men of the world, that they make diaper bags for men?

So, okay, yeah, I have a ‘mail carrier bag’ that I use for work (satchel). Yes, it’s leather and yes, it is possible that it could be mistaken, at night, in foggy weather, from far away, as a murse. I mean, what’s my alternative? A backpack? I’m not going hiking here! Do you know how hot it gets in the city in the summertime? Way too hot to use a backpa… Listen, I’m not going to defend my use of a ‘man bag’ to you, I don’t even know you. Anyway, even though I have a man bag I think that I may draw the line at diaper bag.

My point here is that diaper bags for men do exist and if you’re not careful, your wife may put one on the registry.

When I first found out about manly diaper bags I asked some of my friends who currently do have kids about the manliness of said diaper bags. Their reactions were as follows:

  • ‘What?’
  • ‘Duuuude, no’
  • ‘Don’t be an idiot. There’s no such thing’

The best reaction however was:

  • ‘Hell no dude. Go to the Gap and buy some cargo shorts. You’re covered.’

This was the best advice I had received thus far.

What about you? Manly diaper bags? Would you or wouldn’t you? Maybe they’re awesome and I’m totally missing out?


Pictured above: Jeep Sport Backpack Diaper Bag, $34.99