Do you ever have the feeling like your children’s homework is just too difficult for you, let alone for them?  Not to worry – YouTube is here to help!

There are more than half a million educational videos on, the site’s education portal, from partners ranging from top Ivy League universities through to some of the world’s most passionate subject matter experts on everything from astronomy to physics.

YouTube has just launched new educational channels to meet the growing demand for educational content from parents and students alike. Views of educational videos on YouTube more than doubled last year.

Sci Show , Crash Course, The Spangler Effect, TED Education and Numberphile are bring lessons and knowledge to life and to the next level – making learning fun and easy for all. From watching a fun experiment on The Spangler Effect to learning about the significance of a number on Numberphile these shows are educate the young minds and the moms and dads of world today.

A brief summary of each show is below:

  • Sci Show and Crash Course: From the Vlogbrothers who coined DFTBA the initialism “Don’t Forget To Be Awesome”, Hank and John Green teach us how to be awesome through science and history.
    • Sci Show: Where The Science Goes – Learn about faster than light facts, a horny little man and worst science movies ever!
    • Crash Course: Two awesome courses in one channel: John Green teaches you world history and Hank Green teaches you biology.
  • The Spangler Effect: Most of the time you hear “DON’T try this at home”, but with science teacher Steve Spangler you can try this at home! From crushing cans to Newton’s Law of Motion to the Mentos Geyser Experiment, no one has more fun teaching science than YouTube sensation Steve Spangler.
  • TED Education: Mission of TED Ed is to capture and amplify the voice of the world’s greatest educators. To achieve this, they are pairing extraordinary educators with talented animators to produce a new library of videos and expanding the reach and power by making videos easier for teachers to find.
  • Numberphile: Videos about numbers – it’s that simple or is it? Numberphile provides a new view when it comes to numbers. From Googols and Googolplexs to Root2, this channel offers anyone the “Perfect Number”.