…..and GIVEAWAY!!!

The Mancore 3-Pack, endorsed by Tampa Bay Buccaneers legend Mike Alstott, is a weight loss success pack customized towards men ages 30-55 who want to increase muscle mass, strength and energy, as well as burn fat and improve body composition.

The program contains three complementary products:

·         Total Fat Burn capsules formulated with green coffee bean extract and green tea extract to help improve body composition, boost metabolism and increase energy.

·         Testosterone Replenish capsules to enhance libido and stamina and replenish youthful hormones with a blend of testosterone support ingredients, including DHEA.

·         HGH Night Spray taken before bedtime to increase growth hormone levels by up to 157% and improve sleep quality with its key ingredient, melatonin.

Between raising a family and going to work, there are only so many hours in a day and exercise tends to take a back seat. The Mancore 3-Pack by Complete Nutrition can help you stay physically fit while still living your full schedule. Click here to see all Mancore products.

Here is your chance to win a #ManCore 3-pack on March 22nd.

How to win it… Contest ends 11:59pm EST. March 22nd 2013.
Leave a comment below with your comments on the Mancore 3 pack and some method for us to contact you in the comment (twitter or email).

You get 1 extra entry for tweeting about this contest (you can do this daily). Must contain the following information: #Mancore @CompleteNutritn @latenightparent –  http://go.lnp.tv/Wvo3Y0 and you must also comment with the link to your tweet.

Example: I want to win a #ManCore 3 pack from @CompleteNutritn at @latenightparent –http://go.lnp.tv/Wvo3Y0 #giveaway

You get 1 extra entry for following @latenightparent on twitter –www.twitter.com/latenightparent You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for following @CompleteNutritn on twitter https://twitter.com/CompleteNutritn  You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming our FAN on facebook –www.facebook.com/latenightparents You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming their FAN on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/completenutrition (and leave a note saying that www.latenightparents.com sent you) You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for liking this page on facebook (like button at the top of the post NOTE: you must be signed into facebook for it to work!)
You get 1 extra entry for suggesting and having 5 friends become fans of Late Night Parents on facebook (and have them leave a note saying you sent them)
You get 1 extra entry for writing about this giveaway on your blog (with a link back to http://lnp.tv) you must also comment with the link to your post.
You get 1 extra entry for putting this on reddit, digg, or any other social bookmarking service.

You will have 24 hours to reply before we pick another winner!
Disclaimer: Limited to the USA