Hey Dads, Is your wife a little moody sometimes? Are there days she is sad, mad, frustrated or angry. Well, if the answer is yes, then she sounds like a typical woman. While all of these emotions are completely normal they can sometimes get in her way! Did you know that there are herbs that can help women feel better? There are medicinal plants that grow freely in nature that can assist women to be less agitated and more confident as they raise their children. So this Mother’s Day why not put together a nice basket filled with herbs instead of the standard roses or chocolate.
Herbs come in different forms either tea, capsules or in tincture. I my experience, herbs in the ‘tinctured’ (or liquid) form are the simplest and most effective for the ‘modern-mom,’ who is often juggling work, home and children. The typical dosage is 30-35 drops of the herb taken three times daily; either with or without food. It is easiest to take the herbs in a shot glass, filled with either water or grape juice. Your wife can try the herbs one at a time, or mix a few together. These herbs are safe and effective, but since each person will respond differently, every woman should feel free to try whatever amount works best for her. Here is a suggested list of a few of my favorite mood-herbs.
• Motherwort is my all-time favorite herb to help stabilize moodiness. This is an herb that can be felt within twenty minutes after taking it. It is an herb that can be used by women of all ages and in all stages of their lives. Motherwort is wonderful for taking that ‘edge off’ of your feelings and is helpful if you suddenly feel as if that ‘black-cloud’ is descending. It can be used prophylactically if you know you will be encountering a difficult time.
• Skullcap is for nervous tension, and is also helpful with anxiety. Skullcap, like motherwort is an herb you will begin to feel working within twenty minutes of ingestion. It is best used before an intimidating experience, like a business meeting that you have been anticipating for weeks, or right before it is time to put your children to bed. Skullcap can be taken over a long period of time, or as needed for the moment.
• Mimosa bark is purported to bring ‘joy to a person’s heart’. In Italy it was customary to bring the one you loved a bouquet of mimosa flowers. So, in a similar vein, why not treat yourself with the special present of mimosa bark, if you are just feeling sad, moody and unloved. Mimosa bark can be used occasionally, as needed.
• Fresh milky oats is a wonderful herb if you have experienced long-term stress. Oats can help with frazzled nerves. This herb is best taken three times a day over a long period of time—it is not an herb whose affects you will feel right away. Think of fresh milky oats as a massage for your central nervous system.
While it is always best to work with an herbalist who can take your history, understand your personal needs and create a personal blend for you, most people find these herbs to be both especially easy to use and beneficial. The majority of these herbs combine with most conventional drugs, but it is best to check with an AHG herbalist if you are concerned.
Sara Chana, IBCLC, RH (AHG) is a lactation consultant, classical homeopath, registered herbalist, doula and mother of seven children www.sarachana.com. She has worked with over 10,000 new moms and babies. Please like her Facebook page’ Sara Chana’ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sara-Chana/185662304838720 and follow her on twitter @sarachanas. Also, check out her new Breastfeeding App with 102 original videos at www.sarachana.com