100 percent of the net profit will be donated to support the fight against breast cancer
MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis., May 13, 2013 – Kohl’s Department Stores (NYSE: KSS) invites customers to join the fight against breast cancer this summer with a new collection, by Candie’s, from the Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program, which can be found in all 40 Wisconsin Kohl’s stores and online at Kohls.com/Cares. Available now through August 4, the collection features fashionable apparel, accessories, and beach must-haves, with 100 percent of the net profit supporting the fight against breast cancer.
Available for only $5 and $10 each, the Candie’s collection features a variety of vibrant and stylish apparel and accessories that support women’s health. From cozy sleepwear, tees and shorts to beach essentials like sunglasses, flip flops and tote bags, all items feature Candie’s signature style of bold colors, patterns and delicate details. In Wisconsin Kohl’s stores, the breast cancer cause merchandise has its own center aisle display where all items are located in one spot to make it easy for customers to support the cause. To view the entire collection or to purchase these items online, visit Kohls.com/Cares.
Kohl’s cause merchandise supporting the fight against breast cancer is available year-round, with 100 percent of the net profit supporting the cause. Kohl’s has supported women’s health with a commitment of $7 million to the American Cancer Society’s Midwest Division and the Southeast Wisconsin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® to support breast cancer research, education and patient-assistance programs.
The Kohl’s Cares women’s health initiative builds upon Kohl’s long history of charitable involvement in the communities it serves. Since 2000, Kohl’s and the Kohl’s Cares program have combined to give more than $55 million to support charitable initiatives in the metro-Milwaukee area. In addition, over the past 12 years, the company’s Kohl’s Cares kids cause merchandise program, which sells plush toys and books, has raised more than $231 million to benefit children’s health and education initiatives nationwide.
For more information on Kohl’s community giving or to view Kohl’s Cares cause merchandise, visit Kohls.com/Cares.
About Kohl’s
Based in Menomonee Falls, Wis., Kohl’s (NYSE: KSS) is a family-focused, value-oriented specialty department store offering moderately priced, exclusive and national brand apparel, shoes, accessories, beauty and home products in an exciting shopping environment. With a commitment to environmental leadership, Kohl’s operates 1,155 stores in 49 states. In support of the communities it serves, Kohl’s has raised more than $231 million for children’s initiatives nationwide through its Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program, which operates under Kohl’s Cares, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kohl’s Department Stores, Inc. For a list of store locations and information, or for the added convenience of shopping online, visit www.Kohls.com, join the discussion on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/kohls