Photography Tips
With the first day of school looming right around the corner, you likely have a laundry list of things you need to accomplish. While many of these tasks are necessary, one of the more fun things to check off is documenting your little one’s first day back in the classroom. No matter how cute your back-to-school picture ideas are, they will fall flat if the picture quality is bad. When you’re shooting the pictures be sure to pay attention to the lighting and try to get a natural smile out of your child instead of a posed one. You’ll find more tips for great pictures in these five blogs.
- A Guide to Taking the Best Back-to-School Pictures! Above all else, it’s important to make sure that the lighting for your picture is good and that your children are flashing genuine smiles.
- Photographer Tamara Lackey’s 10 Tips to Better Back-to-School Photos Learn some expert tips on using a flash and much more in this blog post.
- Back-to-School Photography Tips and Ideas Take pictures of the whole morning routine instead of just one posed shot to get a capture their first day completely.
- Photo Ideas for Back-to-School : Capture the Excitement There are several ideas in this post for different shots you can get when the kids are going back-to-school.
- Seven Simple Tips for Capturing Back-to-School Photos Try to take at least one photo in the same place every year so that you can document the growth of your child.