With high school and college graduations set to take place across the country at the same time that roughly 33% of the year’s weddings are held, the gift giving market is heating up right along with the weather.
And with that in mind, we wanted to take the opportunity to emphasize the value of using a gift card registry and thereby supplement the money-saving tips already provided through the Best Credit Cards for Recent Graduates and Best Cities for Summer Travel reports. Here are 6 reasons why doing so is great for grads, the newly betrothed, and their wallets!
- The gift giver’s budget won’t be wasted on shipping costs – it’ll all go to you!
- There’s no need to fuss with the details; just pick your favorite stores
- You won’t have to worry about multiple registries either
- You can pool gift cards to buy big-ticket items
- Gift cards can easily be sold for cash
- Gift cards can be bought at a discount
Discounts Currently Available on CardHub’s Gift Card Marketplace
- Amazon.com: Up to 25% off
- Best Buy: Up to 11% off
- Lowe’s: Up to 10% off
- PetCo: Up to 31% off
- Starbucks: Up to 18% off
- Victoria’s Secret: Up to 15% off
To learn more about gift card registries and set up your Wish List, please visit: http://www.cardhub.com/us/