stacey“Loving your body is hard! Coming to grips with your shape and size can seem impossible.” Dr. Stacey Rosenfeld author of Does Every Woman Have An Eating Disorder? Challenging Our Nation’s Fixation with Food and Weight.wants women to work on acting “as if” they love their body to get started. “It is about eliminating body hatred and negative thoughts and bringing awareness to these behaviors as a powerful form of intervention,” she says. 

Here are her top tips:

  1. Refrain from attacking your body with verbal and visual assaults.
  2. Throw out your scale if you have a bad relationship with it. Toss the clothing that fit x-many pounds ago. Focus on clothing that fits and flatters and is comfortable to wear. Act “as if” you love your body, even if you aren’t there, yet.
  3. Exercise for health and enjoyment, not for punishment or compensation. Participate in activities that you enjoy, without letting your size keep you sidelined or from enjoying these activities.
  4. Accept that while you might prefer to be thinner, taller, tanner, or more toned, this is your body now. Remember that being overweight does not mean that you are unhealthy. In fact, the worst health outcomes are seen with people who are underweight.
  5. Commit to interacting with friends, family, and colleagues outside the topics of food and weight. NO more mentions of dieting, feeling fat, how so-and-so gained weight, cleanses, fasts, fat-free, carb-free, gluten-free chatter! Find more interesting topics to discuss.
  6. Most diets result in weight regain over time. Our bodies are not meant to sustain significant weight loss. Food restriction often leads to overeating.
  7. Have the willpower to STOP dieting! Focus on eating nutritious foods, enjoying what you eat, recreating your relationship with exercise – forget about weight as a goal.