A new online-training program for entrepreneurs called “The Hive” (createbuzznow.com/join), where notable branding, marketing and business strategy experts help small-business owners get and keep customers, is available from the consulting firm CREATE Buzz.
“Think of it as your local coffee shop where all the best business strategists and marketers just happen to be hanging out just waiting to share the best kept secrets of business gold,” says Pamela Herrmann, co-founder with Patty Dominguez of CREATE Buzz (www.CreateBuzzNow.com), which is changing the way small businesses connect with customers – both online and offline.
“The vibe inside The Hive is casual, fun and so approachable,” Dominguez says. “We believe business doesn’t have to be stuffy even if you are dropping some theory-based analysis on what it takes to make your marketing dollars convert more sales.”
Targeted in The Hive are key business strategies that will ensure a solid foundation for your business. At the same time, business owners will learn the latest in “what’s working now” in marketing tactics that will garner them the highest probability of a return on their marketing investment.
“We have personally consulted with business owners, from Wall Street to Main Street, and just about every type of business in between,” says Herrmann, author of “The Customer Manifesto: How Business Has Failed Customers And What It Takes To Earn Lasting Loyalty.”
“We know exactly what business owners require to achieve smart marketing moves,” says Dominguez, who co-hosts with Herrmann the Customers For Life podcast. “And we know exactly how to leverage customer loyalty in the digital age.”
Greg Segal, First VP of Stone-Segal Financial, says, “Pamela has one of the best business IQ’s of anyone I’ve ever met. She absolutely just gets it.”
Ciji Siddons, CEO of Siddons Enterprises, says, “Patty is a master of delivering exactly what her clients are looking for while taking them through the step-by-step process. Her honest and genuine approach leaves a lasting impression on everyone she collaborates with.”
About Pamela Herrmann and Patty Dominguez
Pamela Herrmann and Patty Dominguez cofounded CREATE Buzz (www.createbuzznow.com), an online training experience that helps business owners and their employees develop powerful, positive and practical customer engagement habits that build loyalty. Herrmann and Dominguez co-host the Customers For Life podcast and The Morning Would Show, providing daily motivation