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We got off to a little bit of a late start tonight but as we say, “Better late than never!”. Anyway, we’re Late Night Parents so who better to be late than us, right? Thank goodness we have such great viewers because when our show did kick off we had a blast!
Of course, we couldn’t kick off the show without mentioning our sponsor of the month, mOmma. If you’ve been following the show you know by now how much we really like their products for our little ones. What better way to show our support than to give away ten mOmma spoons! Throughout the show we randomly gave out these awesome spoons so that all of you could see why we were so jazzed. If you want to learn more about mOmma check them out at, follow them on Twitter, and become a fan of theirs on Facebook.
We talked about our review of some great organic snacks from our friends over at Revolution Foods. Our kids just love these organic treats and we’re giving some away on our site this week so stay tuned!
We had to discuss the latest news about child seat safety and the new recommendations by the AAP. All 3 of our kids are in car seats so it was interesting to see how we, and the folks in the chat room, felt about the new recommendations.
We wanted to remind everyone about our Mylo stroller giveaway on the site. If you haven’t entered to win this high end stroller make sure you head on over to this link. Also stay tuned to our site this week. In addition, to a mOmma giveaway, and a Revolution Foods giveaway, we’re also announcing our contest that will give you and your family a years worth of Milk!!
Of course we couldn’t end the night without giving away some Hannah Montana Forever: Final Season [amazon] and iCarly: Season Two, Volume Three [amazon] DVD’s. While our kids may be a bit young for them we know so many of you are rockin out with your kids!