I love knowing that when O and Jake are outside they can have fun playing in their sandbox or riding their bikes or scooters. I also like knowing that if they’re looking for some creative fun indoors they can play with their sculpting clays or paints, etc. These toys are great and serve a specific purpose depending on whether the kids are playing indoors or outdoors. Of course, when we’re off to run errands during the day or gone for a road trip these toys aren’t really conducive to travel.

Then you have those toys that they can take anywhere. The kind they can play outside with, the kind they have make pretend conversations with in bed, and the kind that you’ll see sitting next to them on the car ride to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

That’s where I’m really loving Lil’ Teammates!



Not only are these small enough and durable enough they can take anywhere but what’s cool about them is that I even get excited seeing them! We all have our favorite sports teams and Lil’ Teammates does a great job of bringing our favorites to life! These little figurines can take me back to the days when my dad took me to the ballgame. I love being able to share my favorite home team with the kids while giving them a safe, durable toy they can have fun with. It’s hysterical watching the kids have full on conversations with these guys and even ensuring the Lil’ Teammates are talking amongst themselves!

I think these are great for your own kids but also great as gifts for others. There are so many different players and teams you can choose from you’re bound to find your favorite home team. What’s even better is getting the opportunity to win a few of these guys for your child!

We’re giving away a 3-pack of Lil’ Teammates to 3 lucky winners!

How to win it… Contest ends 9:00 pm EST. August 8, 2011.

Leave a comment below with the name of your favorite player or sports team and please include some method for us to contact you in the comment (twitter or email).
You get 1 extra entry for signing up for the Late Night Parents newsletter http://go.lnp.tv/mcnewsletter You must comment that you’re signed up.
You get 1 extra entry for tweeting about this contest (you can do this daily). Must contain the following information: @LilTeammates @LateNightParent – http://go.lnp.tv/ruN6KLand you must also comment with the link to your tweet.

Example: I want to win a @Lil’ Teammates prize pack in a #giveaway from @LateNightParent – http://go.lnp.tv/ruN6KL

You get 1 extra entry for following @LateNightParent on twitter –www.twitter.com/LateNightParent You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for following @lilteammates on twitter –www.twitter.com/LilTeammates You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming our FAN on facebook –www.facebook.com/LateNightParents You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming their FAN on facebook –www.facebook.com/LilTeammates (and leave a note saying that www.LateNightParents.com sent you) You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for liking this page on facebook (like button at the top of the post NOTE: you must be signed into facebook for it to work!)
You get 1 extra entry for suggesting and having 5 friends become fans of Late Night Parents on facebook (and have them leave a note saying you sent them)
You get 1 extra entry for writing about this giveaway on your blog (with a link back to http://zippy-knot.flywheelsites.com) you must also comment with the link to your post.
You get 1 extra entry for putting this on reddit, digg, or any other social bookmarking service.

You will have 24 hours to reply before we pick another winner!
Disclaimer: Lil’ Teammates has provided the prizes for giveaway and will be direct shipping prizes to the winner’s address of choice within the continental U.S.