WIN Target Gift Cards valued at $5, $10, and $25 each in the Digital Folio Holiday Hot List promotion!
From 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time each day through December 22, shop online for toys, save select toys to your Digital Folio shopping list, and get Target Gift Cards direct to your list!
It’s easy and fun, and each registered Digital Folio user is eligible to win one $5, $10, AND $25 gift card every day! That’s up to $40 in possible daily winnings! Add that up through the end of the promotion on December 22, and that’s a possible total win of hundreds of dollars in Target Gift Cards! What are you waiting for!
Read more about how YOU can win in the Digital Folio Holiday Hot List promotion HERE! The first Digital Folio users to claim the limited number of Target Gift Cards each day WIN! The more toys you save into your list, the better your chances!
Digital Folio will be provide HINTS each day about winning toys on Facebook and Twitter!