Tommee Tippee!

My six month old son is on the larger side.  According to this website he would be a healthy weight if he was 11 months old.  It doesn’t matter if he’s drinking breast milk (I’m curious if there are varieties kinds of milk other than breast…actually, I’m not – don’t answer that) or formula, the kid would loves him some eating.  Although some people may be look at him and think, “Your kid is huge!”  I’m not too worried – the kid just loves to eat (is it still eating when it’s from a bottle?), plus he’s sleeping great now that he’s put on the weight!

However, there are a few side effects when it comes to eating – especially when you attack a bottle the way sharks attack chum.  Mainly, we’re talking gas, spit-up and the fussiness that are associated with a baby’s stubborn digestive system.  After devouring a bottle, my son usually turns his wrath on my wife and I.  This usually came in the form of screams, cries and the always delightful baby spit-up (a lot of spit-up).   As the gas would slowly release (one way or another) he would slowly transform back into the amazing happy baby he usually is.  Until the next feeding time when Jaws would reappear.

Since not feeding your baby isn’t an option, we needed to figure out how to handle the periods of high intensity.  Luckily, we found our solution.  Tomme Tippee’s closer to nature sensitive feeding bottle worked wonders.  These bottles are especially designed for babies with sensitive stomachs.  Each bottle has a venting tube, which allows air to enter the bottle while the baby drinks (eats?).  This allows the baby to maintain their suction so they don’t need to release for more air (causing air bubbles!).  The bottle also slows the flow of the milk/formula.  While it took a few feedings for Jaws to become accustomed to the slow/steady stream, once he caught on, things got better quickly.  He had no problem getting used to the bottle’s nipple and made the transition from breast to bottle seamlessly.

The bottle are completely BPA & Phthalate Free.  Apparently some chemicals are bad – who knew?!  It also has a neat temperature feature – providing you a visual cue if your milk/formula is too warm.

The Tommee Tippee Sensitive Tummy Bottle is available at Toys R’ Us, Babies R Us and Target.

Luckily for you, you can win a chance to own one of these bottles.

How to win it… Contest ends 11:59pm EST. March 9, 2012.
Leave a comment below about why you would like to try this bottle and please include some method for us to contact you in the comment (twitter or email).

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Example: My son needs this bottle to help his awful colic @TommeeTippee_NA  @latenightparent #giveaway #sensitivetummy  –

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You will have 24 hours to reply before we pick another winner!

Good luck!