Yesterday I came across an article on the Internet that sickened me. It revealed that during his US Senate campaign in 1994, Republican Rick Santorum warned voters of a growing menace and evil wandering the streets of America: single mothers.

Those that know me well can attest that it isn’t easy to disgust a woman like me, but reading the ignorant and blanketed ramblings of Rick Santorum regarding single moms made my head spin.

Why? Because I am a single mom. And a damn good one.

According to transcripts from a town meeting in 1994, Santorum spewed the following: “Most people agree a continuation of the current [welfare] system will be the ruination of this country. We are seeing it. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it’s falling apart because of single moms.”

Excuse me?!

I’m pretty sure amazing single moms like myself are not the reason this country is falling apart. And the truth is, the type of single moms he is lumping me in with are the minority NOT the majority.

What about single moms affected by an unexpected divorce, domestic abuse, or the loss of a partner, who seek government assistance because their families actually need it until they can get on their feet? Not all of us milk the system, Rick.

Most of us are hard working (I have several jobs), dedicated, caring women that contribute to society in ways Rick Santorum could never imagine.

Perhaps the real reason our country is in such disarray is because people like Santorum make umbrella statements like these.

And his idiocy didn’t stop there.

“What we have is moms raising children in single-parent households simply breeding more criminals.”

Criminals?! Seriously?!

And Rick Santorum isn’t the only Republican bashing single moms. Glenn Grothmann, a state senator in Wisconsin, is proposing a bill that that would label being a single parent as a contributing factor to child abuse.

Oh no he didn’t…

I’m sure not all Republicans are idiots, but it’s pretty clear that these two are.

What do you think?