How do you spend quality time with your family? Do you find yourself constantly trying to find new and easy ways to spend more time with your family together?  You’re not alone!


This spring, Totino’s has teamed up with Denise Richards – a mom who, like Totino’s, embraces the “craziness and messiness” of motherhood – to give parents ideas for easy and fun activities families can enjoy together, without breaking the bank.

Number one on Denise’s list is a good ‘ol fashion pizza and a movie night –

Every month, we all gather in the living room for a pizza and a movie night. We alternate who picks the movie, and what type of pizza we get.  If it were my pick, I would choose a comedy, my all-time favorite!  During family movie night, there is always smiling, sometimes a few tears (if the movie is sad) and definitely some good, quality cuddling!


Pizza, movies and family time, what more can you ask for? That’s why Totino’s is making it easy for families to host a pizza and a movie night with a new promotion for free Redbox movie rentals.  Starting March 1, when you purchase either one Totino’s Party Pizza or two 40-count bags of Totino’s Pizza Rolls, you’ll receive a coupon for a free one-night DVD rental from Redbox!

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Denise’s top five family activities.

1.       Pizza and a movie night.

Every month, we all gather in the living room for a pizza and a movie night. We alternate who picks the movie, and what type of pizza we get.  If it were my pick, I would choose a comedy, my all-time favorite!  During family movie night, there is always smiling, sometimes a few tears (if the movie is sad) and definitely some good, quality cuddling!

2.       Fun times with friends.

Everyone is so busy we often forget to re-connect with friends.  Try scheduling monthly family outings together … it can be to the park, the museum or even to each other’s houses for a backyard BBQ.  Nothing fancy, just enjoying time together.

 3.       Giving back.

Over the years, I have supported some amazing charities, and I encourage my kids to volunteer with me, whenever possible. It’s important to me that we give back, and showing my kids the impact we can make by helping others is so rewarding.  One of the places we’ve volunteered together is our local animal shelter – it was such a great experience and we can’t wait to go back!

 4.       Be sporty.

Even though we are not all athletic, we love playing a good game of softball or tag in our back yard.  Sometimes, we pick non-traditional games, like kickball, something that none of us know how to do and that we can all learn together.

5.       Inspire Creativity.

Spending time creating crafts with your kids can turn any day into a fun-filled day!  In fact, my family can spend hours together coloring, drawing, painting and glittering things up.  The kids love it because they get to be creative, and I love it because in the end, I have something beautiful to display in our home.