NHL playoff are one of my favorite times of the year. This is the time of the year that a man gets a pass from his significant other, employer and judgmental friends when he decides to grow out a gnarly-lumberjack-backwoods-removed-from-society-beard.
We as fathers and fans of hockey have our NHL stars and their traditional ‘playoff beards’ to thank as when this time of year rolls around because let’s be honest guys, who really LOVES shaving?
Everyone that knows me knows that I live and breathe Philadelphia Flyers hockey. It’s unfortunate that this year they were run over by that evil team from New Jersey (blech!). I was fully, and I mean fully supporting my team with my playoff beard. Once they lost however, I think it was expected that I would cut back (literally) on the amount of facial hair I was touting around with me. That didn’t necessarily happen, but I was able to make it look really sharp thanks to Philips Norelco. Sadly though, at some point very soon my beard and I will once again have to part. It’s been a good run over the past couple of weeks.. sigh.
During the playoffs this years I had decided to ‘Go with a Real Pro’ and ditch my traditional blade in favor of some of the new and exciting products from Philips Norelco. Check out Philips Norelco’s Go With A Real Pro Challenge on Facebook! The Philips Norelco Vacuum stubble and beard trimmer Pro is one A-MAZING machine (cough… FATHER’S DAY is coming up… cough). It has really kept my, at times, GRIZZLY and ITCHY neck in shape over the past couple weeks. I’ll be checking in next Monday with a new and updated face, thanks to our friends at Philips Norelco. Stay tuned!