Super Cool MonkeyDo – Review and Giveaway

You know when you are using your favorite table device and you just can’t keep it at the right angle while you are laying in bed, trying to watch it on your desk or prepping food in  the kitchen?  MeetFelix has made the MonkeyDo to come to the rescue!  The MonkeyDo is a really cool little device that will have you table stand up vertically or horizontally. It’s got hands and feet that grab on tight to you device.  Most of these stands are flimsy and you get the feeling your device could easily get knocked right or of the stand.  Not so with the MonkeyDo.  It holds your device tight.  I use mine all the time when I am reading recipes in the kitchen. 

Here is a video of me demonstrating how to use the MonkeyDo.  You can enter to win your MonkeyDo below.  The MonkeyDo would make an excellent present this holiday season and sells for about $19.99.

MonkeyDo Review from Tim Keith on Vimeo.


How to win it… Contest ends 11:59pm EST. December 21st 2012.
Leave a comment below with one feature you love about the MonkeyDo and please include some method for us to contact you in the comment (twitter or email).

You get 1 extra entry for tweeting about this contest (you can do this daily). Must contain the following information: @MeetFelix @latenightparent – and you must also comment with the link to your tweet.

Example: I want to win the best tablet cradle – the MonkeyDo @MeetFelix  from @latenightparent  – #giveaway

You get 1 extra entry for following @latenightparent on twitter – You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for following @MeetFelix on twitter  You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming our FAN on facebook – You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming their FAN on facebook –  (and leave a note saying that sent you) You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for liking this page on facebook (like button at the top of the post NOTE: you must be signed into facebook for it to work!)
You get 1 extra entry for suggesting and having 5 friends become fans of DaDa Rocks on facebook (and have them leave a note saying you sent them)
You get 1 extra entry for writing about this giveaway on your blog (with a link back to you must also comment with the link to your post.
You get 1 extra entry for putting this on reddit, digg, or any other social bookmarking service.

You will have 24 hours to reply before we pick another winner!
Disclaimer: MeetFelix supplied the MonkeyDo for this giveaway. Limited to the USA