Is your child going to be spending this summer with their grandparents? Maybe you are the grandparent? Take the next few weeks to talk about a safety plan for your grandchildren. What to do if they get hurt, who to call. Make sure your house is in top safety condition before they get there! Need some awesome ideas of cheap (or free) things to do this summer? Well, our friends at Family Watchdog have you covered.
• Plan a picnic at your local park or beach.
• Take them to a storytelling session at the local library or museum.
• Teach them how to putt by making a small golf course in your back yard.
• Make a pizza with them. Kids love to add their own toppings!
• Have a picture drawing contest of each other. Only after you do each others make-up or hair!
• Chalk drawings and bubbles.
• Water the plants with a plastic mister bottle. Kids love to get dirty, maybe plant some flowers or a tree that never dies!
• Go fishing. Make sure you have the proper permit if needed!
• Start a scrapbook of magazine clippings, mementos from their visit, ot photos of their parents.
• Visit the local fire station, police station, coal mines… anywhere with cool trucks or loud cars!