WHAT: A #WellnessWed Twitter chat will address the needs of children with medical complexity. The hour-long chat will cover:
• What it means to have a child with medical complexity
• The challenges families and our health care system face in addressing the needs of children with medical complexity
• Solutions to improve care delivery and reduce costs such as the ACE Kids Act of 2014
WHY: Children with medically complex conditions are among the most rapidly growing sectors of the pediatric population, and are primarily financed by Medicaid. Approximately 3 million children have medical complexity, defined as individuals who have chronic, physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions, often affecting two or more body systems and requiring intensive care coordination to avoid excessive hospitalizations or emergency department visits. Of those children, 2 million have Medicaid coverage. While this population represents 6 percent of children in Medicaid, it accounts for approximately 40 percent of Medicaid spending on children. The Children’s Hospital Association is supporting a legislative solution, the Advancing Care for Exceptional Kids Act of 2014 (ACE Kids Act), to improve the care for this unique population while helping reduce costs.
WHO: The Twitter chat is hosted by MomsRising and the Children’s Hospital Association.
WHEN: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
WHERE: 1 p.m. ET
In order to participate or follow the chat:
• Participants must have a Twitter handle (account with a registered username)
• Follow @MomsRising or @SpeakNowforKids
• Use #WellnessWed in all tweets