Join Ted Hicks (Dad, Husband & Son) as he moderates the #LNPShow that discusses the latest trends and game changers in parenting, technology, education, sports & product reviews.

Tonight’s guest:

Trabian Shorters is co-editor with Benjamin Jealous of the bestselling book “Reach – 40 Black Men Speaking on Living, Leading and Succeeding” ( He also is a social entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in diverse fields including national service, technology, nonprofit, philanthropy and social entrepreneurship.

BMe Community builds a better future based upon authentic stories about black men, their cities, and the causes we all care about. It was formed by black fathers, coaches, businessmen and others of all races and genders who believe that we should value all people, recognize black men as assets, reject outdated stereotypes and work together in asset-oriented ways to build a more caring and prosperous society.