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Join Dr Michele Reed and Rich Valdez as they moderate the #LNPShow that discusses the latest trends and game changers in parenting, technology, education, sports & product reviews. (Ted Hicks is engineering this show from a lab in Queens.)
Hoskins LLP is managed by the wife and husband team of Sharon & Rob Hoskins. Combined, the two bring over 30 years of legal experience to the table.
- Divorce
- Prenuptial & Marital Agreements
- Child Support & Custody
- Equitable Distribution
- Divorce Mediation
- Modifications & Enforcement
General Questions
- What are the top three common reasons for a divorce present day vs. 10 years ago?
FATHER’S want to know:
- What should a dad have on his own in order to be able to have split custody of his child?
- How much should a man pay his spouse for child support until their divorce is final?
Legislation Advice
- What would important thing would you tell somebody before they got married and what would important thing would you tell them before they File for divorced?
- Any chance of reforming any Divorce Laws. Laws are outdated in most areas of Law and they get reformed. New Crime laws added. New Tax Laws added etc.
Prenuptial Agreement
- Pre-nup for middle class people. Do they exist? And ask them ‘Would YOU sign one?’
Mothers would like to know:
- Have you ever encountered a case that was out of the ordinary?
Couples would like to know:
- Are you there to mediate both sides or just one divorcee?
- Do you leave out the emotional aspect and focus on making a legal transaction?