Join Rich Valdez, Dr. Michele Reed and Ted Hicks as they moderate the #LNPShow that discusses the latest trends and game changers in parenting, technology, education, sports & product reviews.
Ian MacDonald (African American NRA member)
For some black gun owners, the question is a stark one: Can African-Americans reasonably expect to be covered by the Second Amendment in a country still marbled by racist rhetoric, attitudes, and acts?
The Washington Post has found that unarmed black men are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than unarmed white men. But there are no hard studies on that have looked at how officers react to armed black men versus armed white ones. Moreover, privacy laws prohibit deep-dive studies of gun registration data to look for patterns by race.
Do you believe it’s the job of “the gun owner” to convince people that it is not radical to have a gun … to protect your family?
Allison Johnson (BET) R&D Consultant
HBO (110) and Netflix (91) networks dominated Emmy nominations.
Why does gap between HBO/Netlix continue to widen against the legacy networks (CBS, Fox, ABC, NBC)?
Follow up question – How do you watch TV? Live, DVR, Mobile App, (Binge watching or view each weekly episode)
Guest Gabrielle Van Rij – The Kindness Expert. Inspiring organizations to tap into the power of kindness—the most underutilized skill in today’s world. #DaretoBeKind
California’s Revenge Porn Gets a Kardashian Sized Spotlight. Rob Kardashian would be by far the most famous person prosecuted for intentional distribution of “non-consensual pornography.” This law was passed in 2013, the law prosecutes the intentional distribution of “non-consensual pornography“ punishable as a misdemeanor with up to six months in jail.
Is Revenge Porn a sexual crime?
Should our legislative branch focus on changing the label and focusing on the harm?