In an end-of-the-year cybersecurity survey, parents say “fake news” now competes with online sexual predators and social media as Internet dangers facing their children in 2018.
Global cybersecurity leader Panda Security surveyed 1000 U.S. parents to determine what online dangers parents fear most.
You can find the full report here:
Our analysis hows that parents consider news sites like CNN and Breitbart an online threat to their children. 20.5 percent felt concerned about CNN while 47.9 percent reported Breitbart News as somewhat or very unsafe.
Some key takeaways from the survey include:
More than twice as many parents consider right-wing website Breitbart unsafe for children than CNN.
20 percent of parents think CNN is not safe for their kids.
47.9 percent of parents think Breitbart is unsafe for children.
More parents block Facebook (5.9 percent), YouTube (5.8 percent), Netflix (4.3 percent), than they do Pornhub (2.5 percent).