Watch the replay here

What another fun show we had this past week! We started off by bidding a sad farewell to our March sponsor, mOmma. Of course, it was less of a good-bye and more of a “see ya later”. They were such a huge supporter of LNP and boy did they give the prizes away! What’s best about having them on board was that most of us are still going to benefiting from their amazing products for months and years to come! If you weren’t lucky enough to win any of their products then jump online and check them out for yourself!

Josh talked about his travel plans coming up to Israel with the whole family. We’re hoping to keep our live show going over the next two weeks as we track Josh’s trip to the Holy Land with kids in tow! Josh plans to bring back some great tips and tricks! Of course, he’ll have plenty of  Adam also shared his plans to take the family to DisneyWorld. Let’s hope he decides to come back and not want to stay and man the rides! We hear the “Happiest Place On Earth” sucks everyone in!
Speaking of travel, next up the guys did a review of TatooID. These cool little custom made tattoos are placed on an inconspicuous area of your child and is used in the event (God forbid) they get lost. Each tattoo has the child’s initials and your phone number. The initials make it a clever way to identify the child to an adult without the child thinking a stranger knows they’re real name. They come in fun themes like pirates, rockets, and princesses. We were fortunate enough to give away two custom set of 10 tattoos to members of the live chat! Check them out at

Next up the guys reviewed Ball Fall Down for the iPad. The guys were a little confused by the game. So here are the instructions, “There aren’t any points or levels. How you play with BallFallDown is completely up to you. We hope you enjoy playing and welcome your feedback. So, if there are no levels, no points, and it’s completely up to you how to play does that really constitute a game? Well, you can decide by downloading the app for yourself!

Finishing out their round of iPhone/iPad related items the guys got a chance to test out the Bub Cap! These ingenious little adhesive backed buttons cover the home button. Well why would you want to do that? Ever have your toddler play a game on the iPhone or iPad and incessantly hit the home button causing you to go back and restart the app? Well, these make it very hard (nearly impossible) for those little fingers to do that all while allowing you to use the phone. For power users of the iPhone we did find it a little difficult to double-tap the home button but if you don’t do that very often then there’s just no reason not to have these. They stick on very well and when you’re ready to take them off they won’t leave one mark! Go pick some up at

The boys announced some great giveaways coming up on the site so be sure to check out the blog! It wouldn’t be a complete show without some Nickelodeon giveaways and the fellas didn’t disappoint. ‘Go, Diego, Go!: Diego Saves the World’ [Amazon] was on the list for tonight with a couple giveaways to our fabulous chat room!

Once again, thank you to everyone who has supported our show since the beginning!! We’ve got 10 in the can and are looking to keep adding those 0’s on the end!!! See you all next week for another episode!