Surfing the internet, I stumbled upon some very disturbing content. It was a video from the U.K. which featured two young boys pulverizing each other in a caged setting in front of a very large audience. Now, I’ve attended my share of professional wrestling matches over the years and admit to being a fan. (That type of stuff is scripted!) We’re not talking about consenting adults here!
As a father, there’s definitely something wrong with the setting (in a cage) and children participating in “Mixed martial Arts”. This sport combines martial arts, wrestling, and boxing – without many rules. You’re allowed to punch, kick and elbow your opponent into submission. I’m stuck on the fact that adults seem to be willingly sanctioning children (as young as ten years old) to participate in these exhibitions. At what point does the mother or father in the room stand up to put a halt to these circus like performances. I found some online content to solely make you aware of the situation.
If your child (could be a teenager too) is interested in MMA, then I would strongly discourage them from taking part in this kind of fighting. No matter the popularity, be very aware of the “activities” your children are involved in.