You'll shoot your eye out kid.

I have a question and I thought maybe I’d just ask people here what their thoughts are, so here we go. I’m having some difficulties deciding what I should buy the little big man this year for Christmas. Here’s my thought process, let me know if I’m on the right page here and share your thoughts!!!

  • We have a large family and this latest addition to the family is the first grandchild and first great-grandchild in the family. I have a feeling he’s going to be overwhelmed this year with gifts.
  • We live in NYC where living space is hot commodity. In my opinion we don’t need anything else as the apartment is already split 70 / 30 in his favor… but you know, he’s a kid and stuff.
  • He’s 1 year old, is he going to appreciate what I buy him? I mean, he has yet to thank me for the formula I buy him.
  • When I think of things I’d like to buy him the only thing that comes to mind are savings bonds and maybe (if he was really good) opening an IRA (is that possible?). Some may think this is boorish but personally I think that fiscal responsibility and planning for you future is the bee’s knees!

I can easily go buy him some stuffed animal or like, I don’t know, a book?!? How much fun is a book though (I mean, he can’t even read)? I’d much rather buy him some sort of electronic type thing as he looooves to play with my smartphone, but we’re really trying to hold off on blasting him with too much TV and Internet junk until he gets a bit older. Does anyone out there have any thoughts? I’m looking to buy him something that makes a statement; something that says your dad is uber cool and thoughtful (do they make cool IRAs?). I’m not so concerned about the educational value of the gift, that’s next year (maybe). I’m actually getting pretty anxious over this. Any thoughts?


What about a B.B. Gun? He’s probably too young for a B.B. Gun right? … maybe he can grow into it?