It’s no secret homeowners around the world are actively embracing smart home technology. According to the 2023 Z-Wave Ecosystem report, the United States leads the world in smart home device adoption with exponential growth happening in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

As more people add smart aspects to their daily lives, one consideration that remains top of mind is smart home security solutions. The report found, among homeowners who already have a security system or a smart home control setup, a smart door lock ranked as the #2 device people wanted to add to their systems, just behind Wi-Fi network cameras.

The growing demand for smart locks is part of a larger series of trends as new security options to protect a consumer’s home emerge on the market.

Three Trends to Watch

  1. Discretion: As the old saying goes, “Discretion is the better part of valor.” Home security in the 21st century is no longer as simple as adding locks, fencing, etc. Many of the latest smart devices are purposely designed to be hidden, including cameras and door strikes. Only the homeowner and installer know a given measure is in place. This ensures not only the aesthetic value of the home remains intact but gives consumers added peace of mind.
  2. Interoperability: Smart devices across the board were created to make people’s lives easier. But they don’t always work in concert as a household-wide solution. That same Z-Wave Ecosystem report shows the importance of interoperability increases exponentially as more devices are added to a given home ecosystem. In the U.S. alone, 54% of device owners consider interoperability an important consideration in their next purchase. People want products that can fit easily into a smart home security setup without hassle and without needing a handful of apps. When it comes to security, a unified experience ensures you can see the door is locked and the porch light is on from one app. Even when devices come from different manufacturers, when they are unified under one smart home protocol like Z-Wave, they can work cohesively for a whole solution.
  3. Beyond Physical Security: Many of the latest smart home security items offer physical safety but may be lacking when it comes to protecting something incredibly valuable – personal information. The US Government recently announced the creation of a cybersecurity labeling and certification program to, “help consumers choose products that are less vulnerable to cyberattacks.” As these new program guidelines emerge pay attention to those manufacturers that are on board – those devices will be all the more appealing to customers looking for new solutions. In the meantime – advising clients on well-established and trusted technology can help give them peace of mind that their home is secure.

The Z-Wave protocol is lauded for its security, and it has never been hacked outside of a lab. This wireless technology is a part of the revolutionary. The Smartstrike can be easily installed in a door frame and offers both analog and smart access control solutions.

A homeowner can still use a key, or the door can be locked and unlocked via a mobile app. Homeowners can add (or subtract) their family, friends, or the house sitter to the app with ease, in the same way, a parent takes their teen’s keys away after an ill-advised joyride.

Because the SmartStrike isn’t visible, it doesn’t need to be stocked in multiple sizes, colors, or finishes. One UPC for one product is an instant value-add to a dealer or installer’s inventory.