Author: Thomas (Page 2 of 2)

I'm new to fatherhood and learning about things like diapers, bottle warmers and sleep deprivation. I work full-time, live in New York and in my free time I scour the Inter-webs to connect with people to share ideas and find products that make child rearing easier! I'm handsome, charming and hilarious, I'm also humble (are you still reading this?). Get in contact with me on the Twitters @readysetdad the Facebooks or at

HTC Status: Review and Giveaway

Recently, I was able to review the new HTC Status™ thanks to our kind friends at AT&T. The HTC Status combines the best  features of your typical Blackberry and iPhone devices into one light, versatile, and highly functional Android based... Read More

A Manly Diaper Bag. Yay or Nay?

I have a question for you dads. Before Baby (BB), my wife and I had the luxury of eating, sleeping, shopping… wait, I’m beginning to repeat myself. Must be the lack of sleep. At any rate, BB the lovely lady and I went ahead and selected... Read More

BabyBjorn High Chair

I had a chance to meet with Jakob Wikner from BabyBjörn recently at an event in New York City. This guy not only is a snappy dresser, he’s also the product designer for BabyBjörn’s high chair. Jakob and I were chatting about the new... Read More

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